Friday, July 15, 2005

What was the process? #3

Pennants, ensigns, jacks... were dutifully replaced when they wore and tore. On subs' this had been the Quartermasters' duty. Who performs this little chore now? When, where and how are the 'colors' disposed?


At 1:26 PM, Blogger Vigilis said...

Thanks for the update, Basil.

At 1:51 PM, Blogger Chap said...

Yah, samesame as it useta be. The guys at the plot sit on the bench with the spare flags in it...

At 5:43 PM, Blogger Steve said...

Just a couple of years ago I fulfilled a promise-- when a NAVET shipmate left my first boat, must have been 1983/4, he asked me to send him a set of underway colors. I was doing some spring cleaning and came across some (when they got dirty/ratty I took them home and laundered them rather than destroy them). I sent it to him, only about 20 years late!

I also saved a few commissioning pennants-- those went bad fast, due to being snorkeled upon in port.

At 9:43 PM, Blogger Vigilis said...

Thank you for answering qmss.


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