Saturday, July 30, 2005

Who forgot to pay the bill, comrade?

Lubber, perhaps the Russians are going to need those nuke plants--floating or otherwise--after all:
Belomorsk navy base on the White Sea near Severodvinsk is to pay $629,000 electricity bill. Severodvinsk is the centre of Russian nuclear submarine shipbuilding. Similar situation is at the other Northern Fleet bases. The navy officials hope the electricity providers will not switch off the electricity at the navy sites.
Somebody call the Kremlin and give Puty-Poot Putin the number to LowerMyBillsDotCom.


At 6:45 PM, Blogger Lubber's Line said...

Willy, it takes a lot of late nights with the lights on, drinking Vodka and discussing reactor coolant and steam plant failures to rack up a $629,000 bill. Hopefully the rebate coupons for the compact fluorescents will cover part of the bill.


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