Saturday, August 06, 2005
A group blog for submariners and submarine enthusiasts to post about submarines, submarine life, and submarine news. Basically, it's about submarines.

Previous Posts
- The Next Big Issue
- CNN reporting sub crew are all alive
- Russian mini-sub...40,000,000 rubles...Scorpio unm...
- Liveblogging FNC part II
- Surface, Surface, Surface!
- Report That AS-28 Surfaces
- FNC Reports the Sub Has Surfaced
- Unexpected Delay in Rescue Operation’s Final Stage
- Liveblogging FNC Coverage
- Process of lifting Russian sub begins

За ваше здоровье! ("To your health!")
Yeah, what Joel said (can't speak Russian, but raising a glass anyway!)
Congratulations to all involved! Glad the Rooskies weren't stubborn this time.
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